Sunday, March 21, 2010

Debbie Day 1

I must preface the recording of Project Nice with a few thoughts from me. I was raised with the philosophy that in your every day life, there are a couple of things that you needed to make a daily habit.

One was that it costs us nothing to be kind, therefore give kindness whenever and wherever you can.

Secondly was that by smiling at folks you can help change their mood, thirdly was to say hello.

Simple actions speak loudly if they are done with sincerity.

I applaud this project, because the world around us needs to be positive and pro-active in the ways of kindness.

I am recording the seven events which was the mission. I have others that I carried off but I thought these were a nice collection to share.

Event.1..Bought a Vintage tie for a friend who collects them. (Jerry Garcia)

Reaction.....Elation, he was so appreciative that I would actually go out and find this for him.

Would I do it Again? You bet, he was so moved and so tickled that the time and thought was spent on him….I did request that he pay it forward when the right opportunity presented itself.

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