Monday, May 3, 2010

Diane Day 7

TITLE: A New Charity

Date: March 3, 2010

Explanation of the act: There is a local charitable organization that I have been interested in getting involved in but have not actually made much of an effort to explore. It is a self-help organization, which provides temporary help for people in financial stress. It has a wonderful reputation and dedicated volunteers.

Event: Project Nice was a good opportunity to make myself familiar with this organization. I went to a local food store and purchased a variety of food their food bank. Then, I bought cookies for the volunteers to show appreciation for all they do for this particular community. I went there thinking that they would be as excited as I was with my gestures.

Reactions: Not what I expected, but poignant nonetheless. When I arrived, clients were already lined up waiting for food and clothes. They were young mothers, men and older women. I was a little uncomfortable sitting in my car observing this and considered going back later. However, a volunteer walked out the door and I decided to ask his advice. He took the food and when I told him the cookies were for the volunteers, he said “Thank you”.

Sometimes when you start out trying to do something for someone else, you learn more about yourself. It was one thing for me to conceptually understand what the organization did; it was another to actually witness it. It humbled me. So much so that I did not care that they did not make a fuss over my donation. Seeing those people standing there waiting for help broke my heart.

Would I do it again? Absolutely! Might even volunteer.

Cost: $40.
Effort: Shopping for the food

Time: 45 minutes to shop. 10minutes to deliver the food.

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