Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Emily Day 2

Day 2: Gave hot chocolate to a firefighter.

My dad was driving me home from my ballet class, and we stopped at a Starbucks. In the Starbucks lot, there was a fire truck parked there. The fireman was helping a little girl climb into the passenger seat and showing her all the interesting aspects to a fire truck. I thought this was so nice of him, to take the time to let this little kid explore his truck.

Event: Gave the firefighter a cup of hot chocolate from Starbucks.

Reactions: At first, the fire fighter thought I wanted to sit in the fire truck too. Once I told him that I brought him hot chocolate, he thanked me with a big smile. The little girl’s family, who was there during this whole exchange, awww-ed (One of the hazards of being under eighteen and doing random acts of kindness. Adults tend to think it’s cute.).

Would I do it again? Sure.

Cost: About $3.

Effort: Minimal. It was more work for the person making the hot chocolate.

Time: 3 minutes.

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